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Tour-iX for Companies

Take your trade show or sales call to a whole new level. Instead of just a slide or video or brochure, clients can actually Tour your solution, product, or process in a virtual environment. Especially for products too large or expensive or proprietary to ship, you can still help your clients see and understand your solution.

From tradeshow to lobby to mobile, supercharged analytics and options to manage your own content give your team a scalable, flexible, affordable way to manage your narrative and ensure your message makes an impact.

Contact us today for more details.

iXplore Tour-iX Logo

Bring your story into focus in a fully-immersive, VR environment designed for exploration of your custom content. From products to communities to careers, there is no more impactful way to show your prospective clients or recruits what you do and how you do it better.

Take a tour of a commuity, or a product, or all the career pathways you want to share at a career fair…the possibilities are limitless. Whatever the story, VR can connect better to your audience, and we can help make it a (virtual) reality.

Contact us today for more details

2023 MIRA Award Nominee