Jan 25, 2024 | Career Exploration, Post-Secondary Education, Virtual Reality
High school graduates today have many more choices than previous generations. The current Occupational Outlook Handbook, produced by the U.S. Department of Labor, contains 790 unique occupations. Other “career” websites boast up to 12,000 unique job titles. As...
Jan 10, 2024 | Career Exploration, Virtual Reality
In the high-stakes landscape of career exploration, Virtual Reality emerges as a transformative force, reshaping the traditional career fair experience. Virtual Reality allows companies to transcend geographical barriers, providing a unique solution to challenges...
Dec 1, 2023 | Women in Business
Female CEO. Female doctor. Female officer. It’s become commonplace to diminish a woman’s professional standing or status by gendering her role, as if being a woman is the only reason she achieved that level of success. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when I realized...